Philosophical Dictionary

Pooping At Work: Marx and Us
In which we discuss Karl Marx's criticisms of capitalism, us, the Labor Theory of Value, and freedom. With bonus thought experiment.
Pooping At Work: Marx and Us
In which we discuss Karl Marx's criticisms of capitalism, us, the Labor Theory of Value, and freedom. With bonus thought experiment.
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Karl Marx: The Ultimate Hegel Bro
A discussion of the influences of Hegel's dialectics on the work of Karl Marx, and his influence on the greater world.
Karl Marx: The Ultimate Hegel Bro
A discussion of the influences of Hegel's dialectics on the work of Karl Marx, and his influence on the greater world.
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Think Capitalism Is Your Bestie? Ask Karl!
In which we discuss Karl Marx's anti-capitalist roots, delving into the history of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century and relating these critiques to our current situation as society...
Think Capitalism Is Your Bestie? Ask Karl!
In which we discuss Karl Marx's anti-capitalist roots, delving into the history of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century and relating these critiques to our current situation as society...
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Constructive Discussion on Social Constructs
In which we discuss the philosophical concept of the social construct. What is a social construct and what makes something a social construct?
Constructive Discussion on Social Constructs
In which we discuss the philosophical concept of the social construct. What is a social construct and what makes something a social construct?
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Alienatin' 9 to 5 with Marx
In which we discuss Karl Marx's theories of alienation of labor and wage slavery in our contemporary context.
Alienatin' 9 to 5 with Marx
In which we discuss Karl Marx's theories of alienation of labor and wage slavery in our contemporary context.
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Who Owns Philosophy? Open the Gate!
Philosophy has long been dominated by European men, but the love of wisdom shouldn't be exclusive. It's time to open the gates and welcome diverse perspectives into philosophical discourse.
Who Owns Philosophy? Open the Gate!
Philosophy has long been dominated by European men, but the love of wisdom shouldn't be exclusive. It's time to open the gates and welcome diverse perspectives into philosophical discourse.
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